"Edward Delbert Drudge & Family 1900"
At The Turn Of The Century, Edward Had The Family Picture Taken,To Celebrate, And Remember The Event.
of the Drudge Family was Held Last Sunday.---An Enjoyable Time Was Had by all Present.
One of the most enjoyable affairs of this kind ever held in this county, was a family reunion held at the beautiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Drudge,
one mile east of town, Sunday August 25. Several weeks ago Mr. and Mrs. Drudge began preparations for the occasion and they were bountrously repaid for their efforts.
Sunday was the first time in eight years that the entire family had been together. Photographer Rice, of North Manchester, came in the forenoon and photographed
them in two different groups; one, of the immediate family, and one of the intermediate members.
An elaborate dinner was spread at noon; such as you only find on occasions of this nature. The day was spent in various out-door sports and in remeniscences of
childhood days. As the day closed it was unanimously decided that it had been the best day they had ever spent.
It was decided to make the reunion an annual event; probably the second week in August of each year;
Following are the names of those who were present:
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stiver and Thelma and Edward Stiver, of Akron; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Drudge, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Drudge, Mr. Ray Drudge and Misses Lula and
Grace Drudge, of Elkhart; Mr. and Mrs. Will E. Branson and daughters and Miss Chloe Drudge, of Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. John Ayers, of Silver Lake.
Mrs. N. E. Branson, of Anderson and Homer Fruit, of North Manchester, were guests of the family.
Indiana --- Sunday, August 25, 1907
Children born to Edward and Susan were:
Emma Sara Jane Drudge, born August 12, 1875
Orpha Winona Drudge, born April 20, 1878
Charles Orval Drudge, born August 12, 1875
Carrie Oval Drudge, born April 20, 1878
Arthur Delbert Drudge, born March11, 1885
Lula Flayvelle Drudge, born September 28,1886
Cloie Vesta Drudge, born March 13, 1889
Percy Ray Drudge, born March 6, 1891
Don Coval Drudge, born November 8, 1893
Allie Roscoe Drudge, born Janurary 8, 1896